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Despite the global health emergency posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the nuclear death industry is "full torpedoes ahead' with its unholy agenda to start a new global nuclear arms race. On April 3, 2020, the National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA), a semi-autonomous, super-secretive agency within the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), published its intent to convert the unfinished MOX factory at Savannah River Site into a factory to manufacture the plutonium cores of nuclear weapons AKA "plutonium pits" and released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). A virtual public hearing was held on April 30, 2020. The deadline to comment is June 2, 2020. Below is a researched, prepared comment you may edit any way you wish and e-mail to participate in the public comment process.
Currently, we are witnessing an unprecedented level of global cooperation as every nation on Earth focuses its attention on protecting its human citizens from the deadly new virus. All of our military might and nuclear weaponry fail to protect us from this killer COVID-19 organism that has become our common enemy. There is no good reason on Earth to be pouring time, money and effort into new, improved plans for annihilating our home planet. Now more than ever, we are at a choice point. Please join in using the power of the National Environmental Policy Act to speak out for a world beyond nuclear war!
BACKGROUND The nuclear arms race between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. ended in 1991 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union amidst shocking revelations of widespread environmental contamination and an horrific inventory of nuclear materials and radioactive waste in the secret complexes where nuclear weapons were created. In the U.S., work at crumbling nuclear weapons manufacturing reservations in a dozen states converted from nuclear weapons manufacturing to environmental management. This environmental management focus was short-lived as the nuclear weapons contractors refused to give up their lucrative nuclear weapons contracts and now we are presently resisting the fourth attempt in the past 30 years to establish plutonium pit production at SRS.
The first generation of nuclear weapons factories were built in the press of World War II. SRS was built in 1950 at the height of U.S. fears of Communist Russia and Red China. In 1970, however, Congress passed the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) along with the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act and Endangered Species Act and the modern-day environmental movement was born. NEPA requires an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) considering ALL IMPACTS of a proposed facility to be written, and provides for public comment and engagement in the process. NEPA has provided a crucial tool for holding the line on new nuclear weapons development.
In 1989, The FBI raided the Rocky Flats plutonium pit manufacturing facility near Denver, CO. Rockwell International was found guilty of covering up serious plutonium fires which contaminated the Colorado countryside. Since Rocky Flats closed in 1989, the U.S. has not had a factory dedicated to manufacturing plutonium pits. Los Alamos Laboratory in New Mexico has taken up the work but has been troubled by accidents and worker contaminations and pit production there has been slow. There are 20,000 plutonium pits in storage at Pantex in Amarillo, TX, so there is no actual need to manufacture plutonium pits.
There is, however, a need to disassemble plutonium pits as plutonium poses a global security risk. For almost 20 years, the U.S. pursued an expensive, now-abandoned project to build a factory to convert weapons-grade plutonium into experimental reactor fuel called MOX for mixed-oxides of uranium and plutonium. Congress finally killed the MOX program only to have NNSA/DOE step in with an illegal scheme to convert the half-finished MOX factory to a plutonium pit factory.
Our most recent stand against plutonium pits was in 2007. The public spoke strongly against making more nuclear weapons. NNSA/DOE bided their time, trying to make pits at Los Alamos. The U.N. signed a Treaty for the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons which has already been ratified by 36 countries. When 50 countries have ratified the treaty it will become international law. Now the nuclear industry is back with the current proposal as part of the $2 trillion new nuclear arms race. Many of you participated in the first part of the current process by commenting in the EIS "scoping" hearings last summer. Now is our opportunity to comment on the draft EIS.
Below is an e-mail comment letter you may edit and send by adding your name and contact information in the fields provided. Your comment will appear in the EIS record.
IMPORTANT! Please write your own unique sentence at the beginning of the editable e-mail. Consider naming what it is on Earth that is for you most precious to protect from nuclear annihilation. Your children? Your grandchildren? Trees? Birds? Cake and ice cream??! Feel free to share your heart. We are all in this together!!
TITLE YOUR E-MAIL: "Comment in Opposition to
Plutonium Pit Production Proposed for SRS in the Draft EIS"
SEND BCC: info@nonukesyall.org